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news — Skilpod selected for framework contract Wonen in Vlaanderen 2023

Skilpod was selected as one of three laureates for Wonen in Vlaanderen's Modular Homes 2023 project. The government agency provides 260 million euros each over the next four years for modular construction projects for social housing throughout Flanders.

Business Development Manager Toon-Bert Panis: "We are very pleased that Wonen In Vlaanderen is playing the card of modular construction. In this way, we can quickly reduce the waiting times for social housing, without compromising on quality. Because everyone is entitled to a quality home."

With modular construction, houses or apartments are built in advance in a production hall and transported to the construction site for installation almost completely finished. This drastically reduces the total construction time. With this framework contract with Skilpod, Wonen in Vlaanderen is thus ensuring a double acceleration for the Flemish Housing Companies. The laureates have been thoroughly vetted in advance by the organization, allowing the Housing Companies to immediately put out orders and quickly deploy the budgets provided.

no compromises

The jury report of the tender showed that Skilpod scored well both on speed, price and quality: cleverly arranged spaces, room-high windows with plenty of light, a ceiling height of 2.6m and high-quality technical installations. No banal blocks, but a home without compromises. The jury was particularly impressed with the thorough elaboration of the dossier.

Chief Engineer-Architect Jonas Verbruggen: "This selection is the best proof that our model works. Our engineers, together with B-Architects, have in recent years developed a unique stacked building concept that focuses on fast and scalable construction. All the units can be combined with each other in different ways and that up to 5 stories high. Thanks to that extra thinking upfront, we can now develop a project for any requested location at the push of a button, tailored to the mix of families now looking for a home. In less than four months, the homes are ready."

The system can also be used for a wider audience. Panis: "At Skilpod, we choose to finish all homes qualitatively, whether they are for social rental, for larger developers or individuals buying their own place. That way we can help as many people as possible get a good home with one system."

Published: 24 November 2023

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